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Dairy Fab is considering adding two new products to our line - curd rakes and T-handled cheddaring knives - but we are looking for customer feedback first.  Both products will be made from type 304 stainless with the quality craftsmanship you have come to expect from Dairy Fab.  Honoring our tradition of serving cheesemakers of all sizes, these products will be available in both standard and custom sizes to best fit your particular product and process.  Please express your interest by emailing Terry if either of these products might help meet your cheesemaking needs.  


Curd rake

Standard dimensions:

24" W x 5.5" T 

with 72" L handle

Customer Comments

New Products

Cheddaring Knife

Standard dimensions:

12" L x 1.75" W blade

32" L overall

2021 by Round Table Fabrication LLC

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